How to Organise Your Storage Unit: Five Top Tips

As one of the leading providers of self storage in Grantham, we’re asked all kinds of questions on a daily basis by current and potential customers. One topic that often comes up is organisation: how can you take full advantage of your unit and make the most of the space you have available?

To help you do just that, we’ve decided to round up five top tips. Stick to these straightforward principles, and you should be able to really make the most of your unit.

Have a clear out

Before you even think about moving items into your unit, it’s worth having a clear out. There’s no point placing items in storage if you’re never going to want to retrieve them, is there? Here are a few questions you should ask yourself:

  • Does the item have sentimental value?
  • Will I want to use it again?
  • Does it make me happy?
  • Is it likely to be worth something in future?

If the answer to all of these questions is a resounding ‘no’, you know what to do. Get rid!

Choose stackable containers

Once you’ve thinned out your belongings a little, it’s time to consider how you’re going to pack them. Generally speaking, we recommend using stackable plastic boxes, so you can easily place items on top of each other, saving space. Plastic boxes are ideal, as they keep moisture and pests out, preserving your items beautifully.

Consider investing in shelving

If you want to be able to retrieve items from your unit easily without having to pick them up off the floor, it’s worth investing in some floor standing shelving units. Simple to put together and affordable to buy, they’ll make your unit much easier to navigate too (no more tripping over boxes on the floor).

Label everything

This is perhaps the most crucial tip of all. Make sure you note down exactly what’s in each box and label them accordingly. This will save you so much time when looking for specific items!

Place boxes in a logical order

Finally, try to place your boxes in an order that makes sense. For example, items you use less frequently should go towards the back, while those you plan to retrieve regularly should be in prime position, ready to grab in a matter of seconds.

4. Sell your unwanted items

Your other option is to sell your unwanted items. There are plenty of apps and platforms that you can use to make a little extra cash while also decluttering.

5. Change with the seasons

Bulky coats, jumpers and blankets will only clutter up your space in the summer. If you don’t need them, it could be worth putting them in the attic, storage cupboard or even placing them into self storage. They’ll be out of sight and mind until the next cold snap comes around.

If you’re looking for somewhere to store your excess items, Grantham Self Store could have the solution you need. Visit our website to get a no-obligation quote. We provide secure self storage in Grantham and serve many residents from across Lincolnshire. an enquiry, fill out our quick form or give one of our friendly team members a call on 01476 338981.

Self storage unit containers